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FAQs: Best Practice Guide for ElevenLabs

1. What is the difference between ElevenLabs Professional Voice Clone (PVC) and traditional Voice Banking?

While they are similar, both have benefits and drawbacks. We recommend that people with ALS do both voice banking AND create an ElevenLabs Professional Voice Clone when possible.

Below is a table of what you can/can't do with ElevenLabs Voice Clone versus Traditional Voice Banked voice:

Traditional Voice Banking

Internet Connection

Does not require an internet connection. Runs on local Speech API on AAC device.

Requires internet connection. Runs on an AAC device but requires communication with ElevenLabs via an internet connection.

Character Limit


500,000 characters per month; costs $0.24/1000 characters over the limit with Pro Plan.

Recordings (input)

Services provide a script to read. Typically between 50–200 sentences are required.

No script provided. Requires previous recordings around 10 minutes for Instant Voice Clones, and a minimum of 30 minutes for Profesional Voice Clones.

Quality/Style (output)

A monotone characteristic of the person’s voice and is distinguishable due to a synthesized/computerized voice.

Varied intonation, including conversational characteristics—often indistinguishable from the person’s natural voice.

2. What is the best way to create audio recordings of my voice for upload onto ElevenLabs' website?

If your natural voice is still strong, you can create recordings directly onto your device (computer or phone) with any of the following software:

3. What file type is needed for my audio recordings?

ElevenLabs recommends the MP3 format. You may use any audio or video files, using websites such as to convert files to MP3 format.

ElevenLabs: What files do you accept for voice cloning?

Note that the type of audio file you have isn’t as important as the quality; it needs to be high-quality with no background noise or other voices.

For downloading audio from YouTube videos:​

  • Find the video on YouTube

  • In the URL, delete the “ube” from “YouTube” and hit enter

  • It opens an audio downloader to save the file to your computer

Examples here and here.

4. What if my natural voice is already deteriorating? Can I use old audio?

YES! You can upload old audio files if you cannot record new audio with your current voice. One good resource is old voice messages you've left on your family or friends' phones. This could be an excellent option to find voice recordings. Ask family and friends to check their "deleted voicemail" folder to find voicemails that can be uploaded to create your voice clone.

5. Do I need to record specific content for these audio recordings?

There is no specific text you need to read. The audio should be conversational and have the intonation/style of communication you want your ElevenLabs Voice Clone to mimic. Some suggestions:

  • Have a conversation with yourself.

  • Have a conversation with someone else (use a headset to avoid recording your partner's voice, too)

  • Read a book, blogs, and newspapers with expression

For more detailed instructions, refer to the ElevenLabs guidelines.

6. Can I use my ElevenLabs Professional Voice Clone (PVC) in other languages?

Yes! You can create an ElevenLabs Voice Clone in many languages. You can find a complete list of supported languages here. Additionally, you can clone your voice in one language and then type/translate it into another language if it's among the supported languages. For more information, visit:

7. Is there any limit to how much I can use my ElevenLabs Professional Voice Clone?

ElevenLabs provides free subscriptions to their "Pro plan" for all ALS/MND clients. This plan has a 500,000 characters per month limit.

To ensure you don't exceed this limit:

  1. On the ElevenLabs website, click your account name in the bottom left corner

  2. In the pop-out menu, click Subscription

  3. Under the Subscription Details section, ensure the slider "Enable usage-based billing (surpass 500,000 characters)" is turned OFF.

If you exceed the limit, it costs $0.24 per 1000 characters over the limit (as of 8/12/24). For more details, see the instructions for ElevenLabs usage price.

8. Why am I being asked for my Credit Card? Isn't this a free license?

Although we provide free subscriptions for the ElevenLabs "Pro Plan," ElevenLabs requires users to keep a credit card on file to make an account. This will only be charged if you exceed the character limit (see Question 7). For more information, see ElevenLabs payment methods.

9. I'm still speaking fine. I don't need an ElevenLabs Professional Voice Clone yet. Should I wait?

No. We recommend creating your Professional Voice Clone as soon as possible so it's ready when you need it. Here's why:

  • You will need your real (natural) voice to pass the verification step for a Professional Voice Clone.

  • The sooner you create your Professional Voice Clone, the fewer steps you will need to verify your voice and identity.

  • Creating your clone while your voice is still clear and strong will simplify the Voice Verification process with ElevenLabs.

  • Once your audio is uploaded, ElevenLabs will immediately start creating your voice clone.

10. What if my natural voice quality has deteriorated?

 You can use old audio recordings to create your voice. Examples: social media posts, family videos, voicemail messages, or professional recordings. However, you will need to go through a manual verification process with ElevenLabs (see Question 11).

11. What if I need to verify my Professional Voice Clone?

If you are no longer speaking or your voice has changed significantly and doesn't sound like recordings, you must do manual verification through ElevenLabs. Here's the process:

  1. See Professional Voice Clone instructions for steps/details.

  2. When you get to the verification process, you submit a support ticket and wait for approval before the clone starts fine-tuning.

  3. You will need to upload three pieces of paperwork to the ticket (best to get before starting to upload audio and create a clone if possible):

    • Copy or picture of your photo ID (for example, driver's license, passport)

    • ElevenLabs Manual Verification Form completed/signed by you

    • Clinical note or letter from physician attesting to ALS diagnosis (Resource: Letter Requesting Physician Note)

12. Does ElevenLabs have an app that allows me to use my Professionally Cloned Voice (PVC) on my phone?

Yes! ElevenLabs offers the ElevenLabs Reader App. With this app, you can have texts or websites read aloud and generate your own text. However, it can't store phrases/text.

To add your ElevenLabs voice, simply log into your account using the app.

13. How do I create my ElevenLabs account?

Here's how to create your ElevenLabs account:

  1. Visit the ElevenLabs Documentation site to read documentation about the process before creating your account/voice.

  2. If you already have a free ElevenLabs account, sign into that account on your computer and follow ElevenLabs instructions.

  3. If you don't have an account yet:

    • Make sure the ElevenLabs website isn't logged into anything.

    • Click the provided link to create an account.

    • Choose a "Pro" level subscription or change your free account to a Pro subscription.

    • Go to the cart to checkout (upper right corner); it should show that the coupon was applied to make the account free.

    • To create an account, you will have to enter a credit card number (in case you go over the character limit) and checkout with a $0 balance.

  4. Once the account is created, you can make your professional voice clone:

Note: Some of the screenshots in the instructions may be outdated due to website changes, but the steps after you start creating the clone should still be the same.

14. How do I know when my voice clone is ready?

After uploading the audio, you will not receive your voice clone immediately. It must go through fine-tuning. You will receive an email when it's ready to use.

For more information, see:

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