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Real Lives
Real Impact

"I was skeptical when my mom asked for pre-diagnosis recordings for AI recreation. I only had a couple of short snippets, but Elevenlabs did an amazing job creating my original voice. I was blown away and so happy. It sounds so much like I used to - I love it! It was so easy compared to regular voice banking."

Erin Taylor
Person living with ALS (pALS)

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"Using ElevenLabs to clone my voice from old recordings, after losing my own, feels like I've reconnected with myself. It's so realistic that my brain truly believes it's me speaking again."

On personal LLMs: "A personal LLM could be more than a digital twin; it's an extension of my soul and personality. Being able to converse as a real human again will be life-changing. It means regaining my voice, my connection, and my presence in the world."

Bernard Muller
Person living with ALS (pALS)

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"Thanks so much for this! It sounds so much more like me than the voice I banked, and with much better pronunciation, intonation, etc., it is mind-boggling! And just from a 90-second audio clip from 4 years ago. My wife and children were amazed, too!”

Mike Willis
Person living with ALS (pALS)


"When Erin was diagnosed, her voice had already degraded. I wanted to capture what was left so we could still feel like Erin was part of conversations. I cried hearing Erin's recreated voice from CereProc's voice banking. It sounded better than I imagined, but Erin felt sad because it didn't sound like how she heard herself.

Eleven Labs has done an amazing job with just a couple of recordings. Hearing Erin's voice again was wonderful, but seeing Erin's ear-to-ear smile when she heard her new Elevenlabs voice was everything. She felt like it was the voice she used to have."

Lily Taylor
Erin's mother

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"My nephew Andrew played a recording for me in his office. At first, I thought it was Peter's strong voice from 2017. Then I realized the content referred to when he had lost his voice. It wasn't the robotic voice from his last months, but Peter's clear, strong voice—100% him.

Hearing Peter speak for the first time in seven years was emotional and heartwarming. I was speechless.

This technology will be a 'game changer' for millions worldwide, not just for users but for their families and friends too.

Congratulations to all involved. Peter and I had a dream, and you made it come true. Thank you." (1/2)

Francis Scott-Morgan
Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan's husband and Co-Founder of The Scott-Morgan Foundation​

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"Using just a few minutes of audio from a speech my uncle, Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan, gave before his ALS diagnosis, I was able to re-create his voice using Eleven Labs technology. Hearing his voice again, after he passed away in 2022, was an incredibly powerful experience. It brought such comfort and reassurance, as if a part of him was still with us, offering a familiar presence that words can't fully capture. It's something I will treasure forever.

This experience embodies Dr. Scott-Morgan's vision of leveraging AI to enhance human capabilities and connections, even beyond life itself. His legacy of innovation continues to inspire and comfort those he left behind."

Andrew Morgan
Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan's nephew and CEO of The Scott-Morgan Foundation

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"As the Executive Director of The Scott-Morgan Foundation, I witness daily the transformative power of voice cloning technology. The impact of hearing a loved one's voice again, or regaining one's own, is immeasurable – it's about preserving identity and restoring human dignity.

ElevenLabs has set a powerful example for the tech industry by making their innovation accessible to those who need it most. They've shown that when we harness AI to serve the vulnerable, we create far-reaching positive change.

Guided by Dr. Peter Scott-Morgan's visionary spirit, we're not just delivering voices – we're delivering hope and the power of human connection. This is technology at its most profound, and it's a privilege to be part of this transformative work."

LaVonne Roberts
Executive Director of The Scott-Morgan Foundation

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